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Some people dream of success. We make it happen.


"Zeta Phi Omega was incepted by seven Friends in Pasonanca Zamboanga City, Philippines last August 26, 1975. Danilo A. Barrios, Nelson Guerrero, Gilbert Caceras, Arthur M. Barrios, Jackie Bernardo, Josie Sta Teresa and Roger Salantandre were all in Pasonanca on that faithful day for thier weekly fellowship. While shooting the afternoon zephyrs, over bytes of gulucinas, the Brother-Founder suggested that the youth of the city must be provided with wholesome venue whereby the youth of the city may express thier energy, vision and enthusiasm. After a lenghtly discussion, a consensus was reached with the six friends requesting a brother founder to write the constitution, rites of initiation, the hierarchy of officers, the logo, password, motto, the laws and the vows of a fraternity which they have agreed to call: ZETA PHI OMEGA. The Brother-Founder agreed on condition that his six friends will agree to be his co-founders. The constitution was written at 4:00 pm and finished some minutes after 8:00 pm. The first fellowship, the password was wispered for the first time and so was the handshake exchange for the first time. The first ZETAN of the world signed with the constitution with thier blood and a few minutes later, a blood compact was held under the full of a late summer moon." 




August 26, 1975

We advise all the members of Zeta Phi Omega to register your membership to our Data Base Control. The purposed of the membership is to to avoid none bonifide Zeta. The Board Of Founder and the Council Of Elders are hoping for your support and cooperation. 

This is how to Register:Just Text your:









And send to our HOTLINE NUMBERS @

GLOBE: +639167138746 




The Zeta Phi Omega
  F O U N D E R S
Danilo A. Barrios
Arthur Barrios        
Nelson A. Guerrero
       (Jan.01, 1960)
Jackie Bernardo     
Jose-Roger Salatandre
       (Mar.19, 1960)
Gilbert P. Caceres
       (Oct.28, 1960)  
Josefina Sta. Teresa

How To Join The

Zeta Phi Omega


Article V: (Membership)

1. The applicant/s must submit a Barangay Clearance to the Committee Membership attest to his/her Good Moral character. 
2. Must be sponsored by three (3) bona-fide members.
3. Must excel in any sports legally recognized by the Government, as an athlete or as a coach.
4. Must submit a Medical Certificate to determine the Heath condition.
5. Must be 18 years of age and a copy of his/her Birth Certificate or at least a College level with Good Scholastic Records and responsible character.
6. Must be in Good Standing in the School.


As a member of Zeta Phi Omega
Fraternal Society Mother Chapter Zamboanga City.

I'm agree to abide the Policies and the Constitution & Bylaws.

I agree to follow the way of the Zeta Phi Omega 1975 to be a part of my life & Priority.

I will be a Zeta member who bring & carry the name of this organization with Pride, Dignity & Morality. 

Samantha Jones, Project Manager


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